A Fall From Grace
A Poem by Pete Marshall
The swings were still on Sabbath day
with padlocks clasped across the chains
as Father stood on lectern high
he mocked the weaks enduring pain
Whilst in the pew you sat so still
in clothes that covered teenage pride
ensnared by light that shimmered down
and framed your soul in celluloid
The numbered psalm was 23
that spoke of paths of righteousness
but boys would look and make you want
to raise the hem upon your dress
And temperance spied a whisky glass
as sweats would trickle from your brow
you plucked an apple from the tree
as weakness broke your solemn vow
Yet Father watched you from up high
in spittled rants and raging tongue
he laid the ghost upon your soul
and warned the Lord of what you’ve come
This is my poem for One Shot Wednesday, run by One Stop Poetry, a fast growing community for poets & writers of all genres to share their work, express and make friends
image courtesy creative commons http://www.flickr.com/photos/buzzby09/