A Hidden Truth
by Pete Marshall
A spider clung upon its web
and held onto its social thread
that snared the very soul of life
and danced and spoke of wanton vice
A cuckoo found another’s nest
and there she lay her precious egg
whilst others fed her growing brood
she thought not once of gratitude
A magpie spied a shining prize
and with her tricks and masked disguise
she sneaked on in through open doors
and there she scratched and there she clawed
A wolf would sniff and paw the ground
whilst others rushed and run around
and licked her lips at fat to chew
upon the backs of those she knew
A bat would suck the heart & soul
that gave all hope then let life go
where off she took into the night
to seek out more upon her flight
A Hidden Truth is my poem for One Shot Wednesday, part of One Stop Poetry, a platform to help promote & share your poetry.
One Shot Wednesday opens every Tuesday evening at 5pm EST (10pm UK)..come and join in the fun
image courtesy creative commons flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/athena/