No one seemed to smile today
upon their face a weary frown
with troubled eyes and heavy hearts
and souls that wandered through the town.
The rain had spat across my brow
and chills would mar my aching bones
inside I sat in warmth and prayed
but still no smiles were ever shown.
Yet hope was sought on flickered screens
in numbered doubts that troubled minds
a pen was held in front of me
to sign once more upon the line
and painted nails played QWERTY tricks
who's eye's would stare inside of me
beyond her gaze I saw the clouds
and hardened times on troubled streets.
No one seemed to smile today
so I took the car and drove away
I found a place to be alone
and watched the passing of the day.
I saw the birds all huddled tight
to ward the chill from causing ill's
and watched the cars just drive on past
yet no one smiled behind their wheel.
I saw the joggers running by
who breathed new life into their soul
and as their feet would pound the ground
the fear of loss would take its toll.
I saw the pain within your eye's
when I returned to be alone
I held you close to hide despair
the smile was gone no longer known.
This is my poem for One Shot Wednesday...a fantastic platform organised by One Stop Poetry...opens tonight, and every Tuesday at 10pm UK Time
image courtesy creative commons flickr