by pete marshall
Within my grasp lies Eden's fruit
as apples bob in weary eyes,
that caught my breath, its hidden guise
to choke where snakes would slither by.
Upon my hands are hardened lines
that fortune wrote when luck would smile,
who shamed my soul with her beguile
then left me high but never dry!
Within my heart lies judgement day
where names are tossed upon a pile,
a random path, a lonely mile,
darkened thoughts that fight denial.
This life exhumed upon the pyre
that burns with hate from vicious liars,
their webs are spun to feed desire
then leave us spent, betrayed, expired!
This is my poem for One Shot Wednesday, part of One Stop Poetry, a fantastic place where poetry is shared, discovered and enjoyed.
It was a year ago when I got together with a few friends and discussed this project and look how it has grown! One Stop Poetry is a place created for people to enjoy the arts and explore their creative side.
Today it is hosted by Leslie Moon who has made a great point, what we do is for the love of art and the promotion of poetry. We give our time freely for you to have a place where you can enjoy and express yourselves too.
From a personal point of view One Stop has always been a place where ego's do not survive, it is a place where there is only one winner, the Arts, and particularly poetry.
On a different vein, yesterday I started work!! Yes, this is a surprise, I have a months contract but this is a start. My passion for One Stop remains, as does my passion for poetry but money needs to be earned. My dream was to turn One Stop into an online magazine, earning an income for those that put so much time into it on a daily basis, but what has happened is One Stop has formed itself into a community, a wonderful community, but maybe their are still legs in that dream. Thanks for listening....pete
image courtesy creative commons flickr