
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

I Too by pete marshall

I Too
by pete marshall

I too, like you
have sat alone
with flickered thoughts
caressed by screens
that weave, entice and play my mind
with words you spun from make believe

I too, like you
have once embraced
the words that flowed 
upon my page
that weave, entice and play my mind
then left me spent and wrought with rage

I too, like you
have once felt peace
escaping from
my troubled times
that weave, entice and play my mind
blurring life from words unkind

I too, like you
now sit alone
my words are spoke
for none to know
that weave, entice and play my mind
for words are spurned, now cease to flow

I too, like you
thought once a friend
who hung onto 
my every breath
that weave, entice and play my mind
who yearn their loss upon ones death


image courtesy wikipedia