A Cold Touch
a poem by pete marshall
Beneath the ice the fish still swim
as sacks lay strewn around the bins
where food is dragged from bags that split
mixed with snow and dirt and grit
sprawled across the concrete street
where foxes sniff for scraps to eat
and people tread and slip on slush
or slip on turds beneath the crust
The frozen earth and crumpled sounds
of angels dancing on the ground
and children sleighing down the hill
A snowball thrown, a wondrous thrill
Inside a house of Christmas scenes
the old will freeze in log fuelled dreams
and cars still churn their poisoned fumes
that stain the snow from white to gloom
the shops will sell and clear their shelves
as panic mounts a war with wealth
whilst those without will be the damned
as winter grips this wonderland
Snow has hit the UK!!!!!
This is my poem for One Shot Wednesday, part of One Stop Poetry, which is a great weekly platform to help promote your work, make friends & learn new styles. opens tonight at 10pm UK time
image courtesy of creative commons flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/boynton/